Beyonce Knowles (Mrs. Carter)
Written by the Scribner
March 25, 2022
Beyoncé Knowles, Musician and Songwriter. Photo by Rocbeyonce.
The baby girl grew up too quickly in a way that innocence and hope are lost.
She is a woman in a mirage. Working on reconstructing the mirage that is herself, which she hides from. She is a woman in transition with beautiful children and a lackluster husband. But she is not happy, not in any measure, and has not been for a while.
She likes construction, telling stories, and reimagining the future and herself. But the life she is in is not a pretty picture. It is like walking on broken glasses and somehow, convincing us the glass is solid.
A lot of things that look whole often are not. It is the greatest magic trick, and a way to draw people in. She uses her aloofness, beauty, and dance as charms, bodily charms that distract you from seeing what is really in front of you (her).
And that is a very insecure woman—a woman with a heavy history and a woman with lots of stories. A trail of tears, but many do not know the inside Beyonce (Bey), the real woman that spends her time stealing energies, the creativity of others only to remold and repackage it as her own. In that sense, she is very calculating. Pretty face that is not always pretty and hides a demonic face.
Only if people knew they would not be rushing to her, but she has a way that she fans her beehive. To extract what she wants, and to propel her, keeping her name on the tongues of people. And people, especially men lusting after her that they don’t see anything.
It seems far fetched, almost funny. After all, it is Beyonce, and she is a musician, but not all that glitters is safe. And not all that glitter should be praised. And that is her biggest charm. The allure at which she makes people go crazy, and keeps drawing them in.
Baby girl ain’t so baby after all.