Chanté Moore
Written by the Scribner
December 18, 2021
Chanté Moore, Musician and Songwriter. Photo by Sister Circle TV.
The American chanteuse singer was really a hit once upon a time but no more. The music industry can be finicky. You are hot one day and the next day you are not, and this is the space where Chante, Chance, has been for quite some time, but time is moving forward and she is getting older.
No comeback is being planned, but she is living her life reminiscing of those old times and going down memory lane to what was once. Black women singers in the business generally do have a particular experience. They can’t all be tolerated at the same time, so it is like, one shines and the others have to step back, and so you don’t see more of them.
No explosion of those black women singers, but time has passed and they have to make do with all they did in light (in fame) and afterward. That is where Chante Moore is, taking stock of her career and what was once.