Eddie Murphy
Written by the Scribner
March 11, 2022
Eddie Murphy, Actor. Photo by David Shankbone.
The funny man that stopped being funny a long time ago. He is coasting on his past, riding it like a wave because these days it is all about toast and jam, and chilling with his wife, the type he wanted to marry but could only do so in old age.
There is nothing funny about Edie, the young G, the one that is bedazzled by whiteness, and one that wants to procreate that he is not. That Edie, young G Mac, the comedian that found humor in his life and made money from it.
Crying through pain, sometimes the man is not really down for black. He is not about Moses, let my people go, but Murphy is back to himself.
Maybe at his older age, he can finally be comfortable with who and what he is. It is never too late to let the sun shine on your radiance.