Gabrielle Union
Written by the Scribner
December 18, 2021
Gabrielle Union, Actress. Photo by MTV UK.
She is like one of those actors, actually people that have been fighting. It is one thing or another but it is a fight worth taking on.
She wanted to conceive and have her child but was unable to, the body, her body was not ready for it. She loves her children but does dote on that little girl who has given her life a new meaning, purpose, and cause.
She is in a different place not taking bullshit and speaking up for herself in a way she has not been able to. Her battles are public. Her responses are public and she is someone who is dedicated to a mission to fight injustice.
Her relationship with her husband is not the best, though they look good in public, not all things are cozy as appeared. There is work needed to make it alright, but the relationship she cares about the most is her children, both her daughters, the youngest represents a future she can’t imagine and her presence tickles her.