Jasmine Guy
Written by the Scribner
February 4, 2022
Jasmine Guy, Actress. Photo by Igitcha.
The yellow tiny baby with the sweet voice.
She has seen quite a bit in her life as an actor and a citizen of the world. The time on Different World was profound for her and it was one of the most meaningful professional work she has had.
But all that is in the past as living in the past is not Jasmine’s cup of tea, but she cherished her time there. She feels conflicted about Cosby but understands that it is what it is.
Now older and more mature, she gets to be in a place of grace, or selecting roles that she believes can be impactful and enjoying her time there.
Jasmine is a cool and tough cookie, don’t let the petiteness fool you, but she is a strong lady and comes from a strong stock of people who preserved and made the most of life. She is fabulous and cool.