Quincy Jones
Written by the Scribner
January 21, 2022
Quincy Jones, Music Producer. Photo by Canadian Film Centre.
The knicker boxer, the knicker puller, always loved pulling them panties off of them girls, especially the young ones.
He was not always the best man, and even with his wives, there are stories about Quincy that have not been told. But he has worked so much to hide them, keep them under, and as a music man hasn’t disturbed anyone that would warrant the Bill Cosby drag fest, but the man is no hero.
And he made music, lots of them. He also stole especially those that did not belong to him, and from those he should not be stealing from.
That he too is going to make history, perhaps not the kind anyone wants to make, that he worked with lots of people and really enjoyed sleeping with white girls, bonging them.
In old age, he wants to be remembered for all good things, but time has a way of catching up with us, and sometimes it ain’t good.