Tiffany Haddish
Written by the Scribner
January 22, 2022
Tiffany Haddish, Comedian and Actor. Photo by Jeff Vespa.
She wanted to become famous and meet her idol and become rich, sometimes too much is much for the asker (those that ask).
Sometimes when you get something you think you want, it is no longer what you thought you wanted. She is excitable and wants it quick, but showbiz is never really a good place for very eager and anxious black ladies. They seem to devour them, flesh and all.
But Tiffany has her struggle and demons she needs to work on, which keeps appearing and disappearing. She is in a phase of change and wherever she goes, she has to choose where she wants to go.
She has to make a decision whether she wants to be in life or out of it. Nobody can choose for her, and perhaps, this is a wake up call to address those issues that she has broomed aside or under in search of fame and money.
Girl have a lot of lessons to go through and it will be bumpy.