Celine Dion
Written by the Scribner
December 26, 2021
Celine Dion, Canadian Musician. Photo by Anirudh Koul.
My “heart will go on lady” is not in a good place. She has not been in a good place for some time. Her life was both public and private. And while she is protective of her children and their privacy, she is falling apart.
The loss of her husband was very difficult. The man is her stick, her support, and is lost without him. Celine is a professional musician. She has been for a long time and stepping into other personal and private spaces is something she is struggling with, but she must come to terms with it. That life could be better even though she has money and wealth and access, she is not happy. Though she would have wanted her other half to be with her, but she cannot have her cake and eat it too.
She has the kids to cherish from that relationship that started really too early. Renee has always dabbled, in Celine, he found a student and lover so he could not help himself to flower, and deflower her. Their relationship is always managerial but she mistook that for his (her) love. He devoted time to her because she was his student, a muse that brings everything together for him, almost like Bonnie and Clyde, but a tame version of it.
He did dote on her like a father. She reciprocated like a daughter (father), not a grown woman that entered into the relationship willingly with her eyes open. That is why we don’t always get to eat our cake, but we can have fun in the journey of making it. This is quintessential to her relationship with Renee, a consummate and constant workaholic, who feels for her, but wishes her love.
Pin this difficult transition.