Celine Dion
Written by the Scribner
January 28, 2022
Celine Dion, Canadian Musician. Photo by Anirudh Koul.
The woman is at a critical stage, do you drift off or do you stay, so much instability in the life of a woman who has so much.
The choice of living, at least to participate is something that she makes, or is made for her. She has lots of concerns and anxiety, unable to fully sleep, misses her husband crazy, at times it is as if she can jump in the casket with him. Their relationship was not duly formed, but she saw something in the interaction, perhaps she wanted to escape the madness in her, to find it in another can be comforting.
Celine is not doing fine, and she has not been okay for a long time. Her anchor is gone and she has to find a way to continue living, and that is proving a bit difficult at the moment. She has some challenges coming and we hope it is something she can overcome for the sake of her children.
The money can be pointless if you are a hole and aching. She sings and sings because that is the way she feels comfortable. Being with herself is unsettling. Why would anyone with that money cannot stay home and enjoy it? The stage is her place to reconstruct herself, the alternative is not appealing, but singing is one thing she has and can claim for herself as a gift. In that sense, singing is her savior (saviour), and has saved her so many times, but these times are different and she needs to find the strength to keep going, and that is getting harder and harder.
The Quebecois woman who wanted to make the world now needs to be saved.