Erin Gonzo
Written by the Scribner
March 4, 2022
Erin Gonzo Portrait. Photo by Greasemann.
Hi, I am new to this, but I am here.
My name is Erin and I am a girl. I once lived but no more, but I am here in spirit, wandering and I hear you write messages and I want to share my own.
My departure was sudden and unintended. Whoever says that death is intended?
My mom was worried sick about me, and she wanted to protect me, always calling but now she cannot reach me. And I wanted to tell her that I loved her and would do anything to have the pleasure of her worrying about me.
But life is swift, at least for me and I just want to let my loved ones know that I loved them including Pauli (Paulie). Please hang in there and be strong.
You are all great and one day we will meet again.