Mark Grosser
Written by the Scribner
March 4, 2022
Mark Grosser Portrait. Photo by Greasemann.
I am not sure what I am doing. It has been a long time since I have transitioned.
Cancer, ghosh, what horrible news. But on this side, things feel great, no sickness, nothing. You are healed all of a sudden and find things are doing great.
I miss my wife. She is the light of my day. Always positive and kept me upbeat. I love her for that, and for my children. Well, they are the best things I did, my proudest accomplishment. I see you Robie and that you are doing well and marching to your own beat. Keep it up.
I miss my co-workers (glass factory), a glass place. But I really miss my family, my mom, and my dad. I love you all.
It is different here, not a splash, but just a different dimension. Please, be good and kind.