Tyler Perry
Written by the Scribner
January 7, 2022
Tyler Perry, Actor. Photo by AMFM Studios LLC.
Tyler is becoming or has become a power broker in Black Hollywood. He has a sense and duty to the past and it is one place he thrives and loves to do.
He loves motivational speaking but also loves making money and breaking boundaries in Hollywood. He is a pace setter, dazzler and consummate professional. He respects the culture that born him, and where he is.
His relationship with his Mama is something difficult, caring and loving, often not in the kindest way, but you can call it tough love.
He loves his boy and wants to mold him and ensure he has everything, does not want him to struggle.
He is generous with his time and money. People can learn how to give and work like Tyler. Sometimes he needs to slow down to enjoy the fame, money, and all that he has done.
He is on the go like a man who has a century of tasks ahead of him and he is working to complete it, like a punch list. New projects are on the way. Madea may return, ironically, Madea is a space he feels comfortable and a place where can be most himself, authentic. It connects him to the historical ancestral matrilineal lineage who are behind him and provides him the support he needs.
Tyler has made the best of what he got, unabashedly black, unapologetically, unashamed of that essential black audience that has given him wealth, along with the responsibility to carry the mantle forward.
He is doing a good job and is someone to expect big things in a few years. The sky is the limit for him to continue soaring.