Will Smith
Written by the Scribner
January 7, 2022
The fresh prince of Bel-Air, he has really lived a spectacular life, sometimes not tuned in, and sometimes not present. He lives to live out there, to be seen, not as reality, but to be seen as someone that takes challenges pushes themselves but sometimes he is a scared little boy, managing and coping, puts a lot on his shoulder when he doesn’t have to, does not always know how to say no gracefully or at all.
His kids are something else, turned out different, and he seems to have 2 different kids and wonders if they will turn out differently if they had a different life. His wife and him are on better terms now, they are learning to be a married couple, but it is something they both have to work on.
He misses Matrix and seeing how it did, wonders why he passed it up, but Will is not really in pondering mode. He is doing and trying to understand all himself and his ways, reconciling all facets about him, those public, private and secret.
He wishes he had taken more chances, really dove really deep but he likes to admire, not very risk averse. He likes to watch from a distance, can take on projects but nothing monumental or foundation that will be too much for the system and for the life he has carved out for him.
Money seems to find him, he makes it easily but doesn't spend it like that, but doesn’t know what to with it, maybe Will’s financial class, but he could really come out of his shell to do something monumental that is true to himself. He marvels at his life, then gets bored, just needs to dive deep and take one big risk. Kiddo, you got this.