Greg Kinnear
Written by the Scribner
December 26, 2021
Greg Kinnear, Actor. Photo by Gordon Correll.
The talk soup host and the ghost in the movie. Have not heard about it (him), has gotten older and opportunities are not there in the way they used to be.
He really tried to segway into acting but that was not his shpill/shtick (his talent or something he digs). Just like all the white men before him and for those that come after, he has slid into places and spaces that ordinarily would not be affordable (afforded) to other people, but Kinnear has quite aged.
Take away the limelight and the glow diminishes, but Hollywood cannot have too many of those type A men, so only a few can exist, so only a few can exist, only a few can be dealt with because it is all about maintaining balance and spreading opportunities while denying it for others with actual real talent.