Janet Jackson
Written by the Scribner
February 11, 2022
Janet Jackson, Musician and Songwriter. Photo by J0 anna.
The singer-dancer lady who has transformed all odds, from abuse to stardom, but somehow she never felt comfortable in that light, in putting her personal life in that limelight, and really being seen for herself in that light.
Sometimes she can wear a white sheer and nothing else, just to say this is who I am, but the girl in poetic justice still has a lot of learning to do. She is a good negotiator and can get herself in tricky situations but that has been the motto of her life, her unwillingness to do that compromise.
Motherhood came late again, and this time, it was different and difficult, but she loved the fruit. She just woke up and looked at her baby, and said I made that. She may be trying to make an album and does love and cherish her child, especially all the things she is learning from him, but somehow life is different for this Jackson.
She didn’t fall too deep into the Jackson trauma hole, but trauma is something she still has. She does a good job of shielding herself, projecting a face of sometimes the strong black woman, but the industry has taken a toll on her.
Even the death of her beloved Michael, and the unraveling and dynamics of the Jackson family and empire with Jo and Catherine at the center of it. One fiery, one quiet seeming to project docile. But Janet, the star of poetic justice is in a different space navigating motherhood, the dynamic of co-parenting with her Arab lover, and trying to find peace and forgiveness for herself and for all the what if, what should, what didn’t, ruminating and then being brought to the present by the sound of the pretty little baby. Michael 2 reincarnated, perhaps they can avoid the fault of the first MJ.
She is in trias, a stage of forgiveness and redemption. Don't mistake it. Janet still got it, and once in a while gives us a peek of that bootay.