Mariah Carey
Written by the Scribner
February 11, 2022
Mariah Carey, Musician and Songwriter. Photo by WBLS.
The beautiful songbird didn’t know where life went by, and while she was there, she was not always present in it. A picture perfect, but the picture has been developing for some time, trying to come into focus, filtering what it wants you to see and what it does not.
Life is moving by her, the routine of her kids are set and while she enjoys them, she wants more, sweeping romance, a sense of self and belonging that grounds her in her roots, and in a larger purpose.
She is examining her choices trying to determine where she is going next and what she wants to do, going to basic appeals to her, but with so much change to herself, she wonders if it will be authentic.
Not overly happy with life but trying to find a bigger purpose that grounds her, makes her firm, and stops chasing things that do not serve her or promote her best interest. But that is a lesson that Mariah has to learn, how to attach but detach at the same time, how to know her own worth and what she brings, and how to give in ways that are meaningful but do not deplete her.
And she is trying to, but that balance is a work in progress as she is learning all aspects of herself. The public, the one that she has to sit with, and the private one, all make for a complicated woman that is neither here nor there.
But Mariah is a fighter and she is plowing through and working at those thorns. The lessons may take longer and the fact that she is a public figure adds another dimension to them.
But baby boo got it all, and if she continues, she will make a breakthrough and might even like what she sees in the mirror. Ma ra riah.